Ticking Down to My Target Weight!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today I start my Refining Journey!

Above is a photo of me TODAY! 

Above is a photo of where I am GOING!  This was a photo taken after I reached my target weight of 155 lbs after Daniel was born. I reached this weight after giving my life to the Lord in a fast. I only ate salads...HUGE salads! But this was a powerful spiritual time in my life. 

Well on to business! 

I am very excited to share the positives from my DAY ONE on my SECOND PHASE to Journey to Wholeness:

Weight (taken Mondays):

April 12, 2010...200 lbs

Time with Jesus:

I laid in bed sandwiched between Bill and Liliana with Gracie at my feet at about 6:00 am. I couldn't get out of bed! So I spent some time just inviting the Lord into my day. During the day every opportunity I could get to listen to Worship music I DID! I'm really into the NEWSBOYS...HE REIGNS CD...LOVE IT! I hope to end my day tonight in His word.

Exercise Accomplished:

I started the day with my arm weight exercises....in the bathroom with the girls at the counter COUNTING with me! Later I took the girls to downtown Christiansburg and we parked at the Library and WALKED to the first park and then tootled on down to the second park deeper in town. We also walked to my neighbor, Kristina's house with the stroller after the kids got home from school. GORGEOUS DAY! I hope to end the day with my crunches and core work.

What I Ate Today:

Well. I am excited to share about my meal deal today! 

~ Had my two cups of coffee...NO MORE! 
~ No sodas...and drank water ALL DAY!

~ Had a bowl of LIFE for breakfast with skim milk
~ 2 small ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch with calamata olives
~ Had only 8 small dark chocolate eggs at 3:00...YAY! 
~ snack of cooked ham 
~ dinner was rice, kidney beans, mozz. cheese, tomatoes...slice of bread
~ I anticipate a light snack tonight

My goal is to scale down slowly to gluten - free, minimal meats, and minimal to no dairy. My desire also is to bring my family to this as well. 

Did I Stick to My Routine?:

My routine today was to spend quality time with my girls with the end of Spring Break and to get outside. I accomplished this fully! I hoped to have done some laundry and settled my kitchen but it didn't happen. = ( Will work on this tomorrow.

Cleaning Accomplished for Today:

1st Mondays are Living Room/Guest Room. I did not get to this AT ALL today! = )

My Ponderings for the Day: 

I end this WONDERFUL day having accomplished pretty much HALF of my goals....YAY! I also was given the gift of PROVISION for dinner for my family not being able to go to the grocery. Jesus takes care of the sparrows how much more does He take care of US! This was a HUGE blessing today!  

I was also given the BEAUTIFUL gift of time spent with my girlfriends...new and old...Thanks, Kristina, for hangin' tonight and your AWESOME sharing of recipes! Thank you, Sarah and Lisa, for fun times on the playground! It's always a blessing to have "Girlfriend Time" when your a SAHM! Feeds the SOUL! = ) 

And I wanted to share this photo of my Bill...this was yesterday, but I got to enjoy the GIFT all day today...my DAY ONE! 

Bill actually went out to pick these Lilacs for HIS room...but he went out and cut me some for my room, too! This is what you want to see! = ) 

Thanks, LOVE! 

Thank you all for visiting me on this, my DAY ONE of my Journey! It's a blessing to share!


  1. This is awesome Cheryl...the new blog, your goals, your fresh outlook! So inspiring! I'm currently doing a little "How I Lost 30 lbs" series on my blog...I'll have to check back in with you to see your progress! I still have 10 lbs to go, so you're keeping me on my toes :)

  2. I am here with you Cheryl. I love your outline, I have 50 pounds to lose. So I would love to go along with you. However, I would rather post things here on your blog, as my very "judgemental" mother-in-law and sister-in-law read mine, and seems to share my info when I least expect it. I need encouragement, not judgement at this time.

    I am very thrilled for you to doing this!

  3. AWESOME, My Sweet Lambie Girl Friends!!!!

    Well it seems we have 4 gals taking the challenge! FUN!

    I'll be posting later...but Grace and Tiara, WELCOME ABOARD!!! And Tiara, I would LOVE to have you post on my blog! On this journey we need all the encouragement we need and the safety as well. = )

    See you later today!

    much love ~
